Which Schools Don’t Require the CSS Profile?

The CSS Profile is a college financial aid form more and more schools require for need-based aid consideration. This form can be completed through the College Board. They have made it clear which schools require the CSS Profile with this handy list.

Colleges That Don’t Require the CSS Profile

In this way, it’s pretty easy to determine which school DON’T require the CSS Profile. Simply review the list, and if your school isn’t included, or doesn’t require the CSS Profile for your student type (Domestic or International), you will NOT need to complete the CSS Profile in order to be considered for need-based financial aid.

CSS Profile: Schools that DON'T Require Non-Custodial >>

So what’s next? If you don’t need to do the CSS Profile, you will still need to complete the FAFSA to be considered for federal and potentially institutional need-based financial aid, if the college offers its own grants in addition to what the federal and state governments offer.

FAFSA vs. CSS Profile

The FAFSA is a shorter form compared to the CSS Profile, and it often is more beneficial in the way it determines a family’s expected contribution to college. This is because it doesn’t take into consideration small, family-owned businesses, a family’s primary residence, and more.

However, applying to a school that requires only the FAFSA doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to qualify for need-based grants. Many FAFSA-only schools rely on federal and state grants along with minimal merit-based scholarships to subsidize their cost.

The sweet spot is often a private school that DOES provide institutional need-based aid but DOES NOT require the FAFSA. This takes a bit to uncover, but here’s the process:

  • Use a search tool such as this to identify private schools that meet your desired academic and social criteria.

  • Cross-reference any private schools identified against the CSS Profile School List.

  • If you are able to identify a private school that’s a good academic and social fit that DOESN’T require the CSS Profile, it’s worth investigating further.

There is a lot to be gained from our free general financial aid advice, but it’s also a very individual process. If you have remaining financial aid questions, email us to discuss more or book an individual session.


How to Find FAFSA-Only Private Colleges


2023 College Financial Aid: What is the IDOC?